Enter the world of Sufi Dance

International school
Explore the International School of Sufi Dance
A week of Sufi dance practice in a privileged setting
Essential skirts and accessories for Sufi dance and turkish dance
Sufi dance workshops
Group sessions for beginners and advanced
Individual sessions
Online sessions with Rana Gorgani
Student Testimonials
Discover the students' testimonials

Online course

Sufi percussion course
Online course - 10 sessions - Valid for 1 year
Sufi dance class
Online course - 10 sessions - Valid for 1 year

Discover Sufi dance through the world of Rana Gorgani

Rana Gorgani Sufi dance

Sufi dance is originally called Samâ in Persian and Arabic, Sema in Turkish. Known as Whirling Dervish, this dance is a practice open to all.

Rana Gorgani, Sufi artist presents his rich universe, inherited from the arts of Sufism and Persian culture.

Discover his artistic and spiritual vision of the dance of the whirling dervishes.

She invites you to follow her teaching during Sufi dance seminars and workshops open to all, as well as event evenings, from an inter-cultural and universal perspective.

Individual sessions are also offered, as well as an international certification of Unesco studies.

What the press says

Le Monde
December 28, 2022,
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Rana Gorgani, a Franco-Iranian artist and choreographer, has been organizing a spiritual retreat since 2012 coupled with an introduction to the dance of whirling dervishes. At the end of this afternoon, in Ornaisons (Aude), the participants in the retreat twirl or play the tambourine in a joy and abandon shared by all. A broad smile lights up the face of Rana Gorgani, the organizer, as she slowly stops spinning to sit next to the lute player. " You cry ? », she says, seeing Yosra trying to suppress a tear of emotion. Satisfied, Rana says: “That’s what tan is all about! ", that is to say this "state", for some a moment of ecstasy, for others a shared plenitude, during which musicians and dancers are all transported by music and dance.
Le Parisien
Le Parisien
3rd June 2023
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Sufi dance is distinguished by a continuous and rotating movement leading the being into an ecstatic state. This ancestral dance is traditionally reserved for men. Being a woman and a whirling dervish has long been unthinkable. Rana Gorgani embodies a true renewal in the practice of Sufi dance. She is one of the very few female whirling dervishes in the world. His work does not stop at the world of traditional music: Rana collaborates with many musical styles. This atypical artist goes beyond borders, just as she goes beyond her physical limits through her total mastery of Sufi dance.

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