Matthieu Hocquemiller excels in drawing portraits as sensitive as they are powerful, for which he engages performance artists on the path of their own autofiction. Throughout these meetings, a sharp and critical look focuses on social norms and singularities. DIALOGUE WITH SHAMS is the first content of a reflection, through three stories of the body, on the notion of undesirable. Here, the choreographer guides Iranian dancer Rana Gorgani in writing an imaginary dialogue with Shams, a wandering Persian mystic of the 13th century and a great figure of Sufism. The personal history of women intersects with political reflections on migratory journeys, gender relations and biculturality.

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  • Choreography
    Matthew Hocquemiller
  • Dance performer
    Rana Gorgani
  • Performer at the piano
    Simon Graichy
  • Electro music
    Benjamin Collier
  • Light
    William Guez

Coming soon online

  • Against the point of meaning
  • KLAP coproduction Maison pour la danse in Marseille
  • With the support of the DRAC Occitanie, the Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region and the City of Montpellier